Revised on: 12 November, 2014

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Programme of Study

Module: One / Two / Three / Four / Five Practical Experiencee:  ELC5202 / ELC5204

This one year part-time programme will cover 210 hours of lectures and practical experience. The programme will consist of a total of five modules: (ENLC 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, total 5 units) and students are required to write up three case studies on ENLC 5202 (4 units) and ENLC 5204 (6 units) based on clinical attachment, or student’s clinical work in the care of patients in end of life, at medical and health setting.

Year 1 Term 1 ENLC 5001, 5002

Year 1 Term 2 ENLC 5202

Year 1 Term 3 ENLC 5003, 5004, 5005, 5204

Module one: ENLC 5001 Principles and perspectives of end of life care (1 unit)

Introduction to the overall concept of end of life care

      The need for better end of life care

      The principles and philosophy of palliation at end of life

      What is a good end of life care

      What is a good death

      Who needs end of life care

      Who should provide end of life care  

Different perspectives in end of life care

      Cancer and supportive care at end of life 

      Non-cancer end of life care

      End of life care for organ failures

      End of life care for paediatric patients

      More coverage on paediatrics palliative care and bereavement issues

      End of life care for older patients

      End of life care for frailty syndrome and neurodegenerative disease

Module two: ENLC 5002 Symptom control and medical care in end of life care (2 units)

Principles in symptom control in end of life

      Symptoms prevalence in palliative care patients

      Subjectivity and multiple dimensions in symptoms assessment

      Pain and symptom assessment tools and clinical care pathways

      Best interests for patients: benefits vs risk and burden in symptom relief

Pain control

      Principles in pain control and total pain concept

      WHO analgesic ladder and adjuvant therapy

      Principles and use of interventional pain management

      Palliative Care From the Plastic Surgeon perspective

      Personalized Cancer treatment in Palliative setting

      Clinical use of opioids in cancer and non-cancer setting

      Management of neuropathic pain

      Opioid myths and management of side effects of opioids

      Alternative opioids and opioid rotation

Other symptoms control

      Management of dyspnoea and in end of life setting

      Management of confusion and delirium at the end of life

      Management of malignant seizures and cord compression

      Management of other miscellaneous symptoms at end of life

      Cachexia, vomiting and intestinal obstruction

      Lymphoedema and lymphorrhoea

      Wound management

      Death rattle and terminal restlessness and emergencies in terminal stage

      Surgical perspectives on end of life care


Palliative cancer therapy

      Principles and use of palliative chemotherapy

      Principles and use of palliative radiotherapy

      The use of molecular target therapy and other novel treatment in cancer

      Alternative therapies in cancer palliation

      Use of Chinese Medicine in Advanced Cancers

      Use of Chinese Medicine in other end of life situations


Module three: ENLC 5003 Psychospiritual care in end of life (BSA) (1 unit)

Psychological care at end of life

      Breaking bad news

      Basic communication and counselling skills

      Truth telling and family collusion

      Stress and coping with end of life

      Anxiety and depression in end-of-life clinical psychologist’s approach

      Management of psychiatric symptoms in end of life

Spiritual /existential care at end of life

      Dignity and suffering

      Religious and spiritual perspectives

      Cultural aspects and Chinese perspectives

      Quality of life and dying

      Care Pathway & Last Office

      Funeral Logistics

Bereavement support

      Grief and bereavement

      Bereavement risk stratification

      Anticipatory grief support

      Supporting the family and use of family therapy

      Respect and Donation of Body after Death for Medical Education

Care for carers

      Team building and resilience in crisis

      Burnout and compassion fatigue

      Professionals reflections in facing death and dying

Module four: ENLC 5004 Ethical principles and dilemmas in end of life care (0.5 unit)

Ethical principles

      Autonomy, beneficience, and justice

      Use of antibiotics and other life-sustaining treatments

      Approach to food and hydration and issues of tube feeding

      Withholding and withdrawing treatment

      Advance Care Planning for Old age home residents

      Advanced directive and do not resuscitate orders


Module five: ENLC 5005 Service models and future directions in end of life care (0.5 unit)

End of life care in hospital and in community

      Inpatient services and quality care

      Day care model and services

      Dying at home

      Role of hospital support and consultative teams

      Palliative care in old age homes

      Ageing in place and dying in place

      Desire and barriers for home deaths

      Service gaps and future directions

Practical experience ENLC 5202 (4 units)

Work or attachment in the care of patients in end of life in a medical and health setting (in the broadest sense including nursing and allied health disciplines), and/or social setting, and the writing up of one case report, consisting of three hours per week over a three month period.


Practical experience ENLC 5204 (6 units)

Work or attachment in the care of patients in end of life in a medical and health setting(in the broadest sense including nursing and allied health disciplines), and/or social setting, and the writing up of two case reports, consisting of four hours per week over a three month period.