
Prof Erik Fung's research interest centres on heart failure and frailty.

Over the past several years, he has established 3 longitudinal cohorts including older adults at risk of developing (preclinical) heart failure (UFO study), those with advanced heart failure (AHF and the SAHFIRE registry), and those with type 2 diabetes mellitus on chronic insulin therapy (HARE). Two of the studies have received funding support from HMRF and research award schemes. His group (Laboratory for Heart Failure + Circulation Research (LHFCR) located in the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, PWH) has established expertise in biomarker profiling and NMR metabolomic analyses that have proven to be invaluable in providing novel insights. Ongoing work is underway to integrate cardiopulmonary fitness and unconventional metabolic measures to deepen profiling of individuals in the development multimodality biosignatures. These efforts may lead to an improved understanding of systemic physiological derangements that impair patients with heart failure, and potential targets for early disease detection, disease monitoring and therapeutic intervention.